Question about Electra One before purchasing

I’ve looked up some info on this controller and just have a couple questions before i buy if someone can help thanks!

I plan on using this as a daw/controller vst. Will it function where i open up reaper, and depending on the open vst all of the parameters of that vst will automatically be mapped to the electra one, and then if i switch over to another vst those specific parameters will become visible etc. in the same way that i remember novation automap used to work?

Hi @777midiuser ,

@moss has written the excellent DAW extensions for Reaper and Bitwig that you can use to achieve that. Navigating devices and mapping device macros to the ElectraOne pots is one of the features.

On his website and Youtube channel you can see how it works.

All the best,


PS: @moss if you read this, amazing work on your new OXI One plugin, I still have to try it but it looks fantastic.

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