Show/hide or enable/disable controls/pages :)

I totally agree with the idea and I like it. I needed this when I worked with Roland TB3. There is number of controls that depend on the type of FX chosen.

I can imagine there would be an option to control visibility of a control with a condition (< = >) on to value of another control. As more controls will often depend on such a condition, an in-between “object” could be used to make such association. e.g. some kind of group.

I can also see some extra complexity there in setting the values of controls that become visible. On TB3 these parameters share the same parameter numbers (memory addresses in the case of TB3). It means a patch request should be issued at the moment when the condition is met and controls are becoming visible.

At this moment I can say that this will be added to the development list. Do not want to make a decision about the priority right now. Mostly because there are many other feature requests that some users have been waiting for already. I will share an overview at Development plan.

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