VST Controllers In Bitwig

Hello community, my problem :frowning: Bitwig does not store all cc controller settings as my other daws. Example; When I use Cubase, and an E1 pre-defined VST preset and I manually map the controllers and save, when I re-open the same vst instance, or project, the mapped controllers are still there saved (brilliant). In Bitwig, and when I use Moss’s Bitwig controller, they obviously work great on the 8 controllers per page. But, i want to map (midi learn) all the cc’s as I do in Cubase (midi learn), and for these presets to save, and I have tried saving in controller page, as a bitwig/vst3 preset, when opening another instance, or project, no cc mapping :frowning: Is it something to do with my controller page and i need to set up another controller? On trying, Bitwig doesnt like me selecting another Electra as already using instance for Moss’s excellent controller. This is most likely me, so I would appreciate your expertise on this. Thanks for your time and hope this made sense :slight_smile:

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Hi Martin,

Perhaps @moss is willing to help you here, he built the Bitwig extension.

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There is no need to use CCs in Bitwig (and you shouldn’t). CCs are only necessary if you want to control hardware synths via Bitwig (there is the MIDI CC device for this).

Instead use remote control parameters. Map the controls of your VST to one or more pages of remote control parameters, which you can save as the default which means it will always show up like this when you instantiate the plugin.

I did a video about the topic which is a bit older but still shows the basic ideas: