Where does the Electra One fit in your setup?

I don’t mind to plug/unplug the Electra One for using the console or firmware upgrading. But it is really important to me to be able to connect Electra One to the mio4 USB Host port as my midi din i/o are limited.

You’re welcome ! I will add you to the communication :+1:

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I am using the electra one as performance controller for my current setup:

i stripped down a lot at the end of last year, packed up for selling a lot of my stuff, to focus on a few devices, mostly focused around the electron workflow. Rytm does drums, some mono-synth stuff and from time to time some mono samples. Octatrack does MIDI sequencing, Master-Clock, Mixing and Stereo Samples, Virus TI does most of the Synth work (Besides 303 stuff coming from the MB33).
Electra One is controlling (currently) the first 6 channels of the Virus (Mapped the CC for Patch Volume as well as 3 Controller-CC, that I then use in patches on the Virus, so I don’t have to change the Preset on the Electra One), as well as Volumes for the 8 Tracks on the Octatrack. Volumes on the Rytm is done manually because I ran out of MIDI Channels, already wrote a feature request about that :-)) MIDI is managed and processed by a Blokas MIDIHub.

MIDI routing is the following:
Octatrack sends to IN1 of the MidiHub that is processed and Sent to Virus (Clock Notes, Track Programm Changes, CC) that forwards it to the MB33 as well as CC and SysEx data to the Electra One, as well as Clock, Transport & Pattern-Program-Changes to the Rytm.
ElectraOne is on IN2 sending CC and SysEx to Virus as well as CC to Octatrack.
Then there is a (offscreen) Launcpad Pro thats Notes are sent to Octatrack and Virus mainly as Midi Keyboard.
That leaves one MIDI In open on the MidiHub where I hope to Connect MidiOut2 of the Electra One to, as soon as I am able to work with 2 times 16 Channels.

For recording I either go out of the OT into a Stereo-Recorder, or I go the big way, connecting everything to my interface (3 Stereo-Outs from the Virus, 2 Stereo Outs from Octatrack, 8 Channels via Overbridge from the Rytm, 1 from the MB33) to record in Ableton for arranging and editing there. Jamming, Songwriting and maybe later performing live is done completely Out of the box.

I hope, that I am settled on that setup for 2021, but I think there might be a Digitone and/or an Analog Four coming some day.


Ive got a similar setup with an Octatrack and Virus (great combo!) … I like your ideas for the E1.

similar to you, Ive got reasonably good access to the hardware, so I dont need to create a preset with access to all parameters - rather, Ive been meaning to create E1 preset(s) , that are shortcuts to commonly used parameters - in particular things Virus and Octatrack levels, pan,and perhaps things like reverb mix which i use a lot.

I guess the idea is :
a) to have related parameters (e.g. level) in ONE place on one device (e1)
so, all gain levels on the E1, rather than being on different instruments
b) to bring out controls which are on many pages on a device
e.g. octatrack means you have to switch tracks for levels, virus requires switching parts.

I still need to sort out my midi routing if I want to get the bi-directonal side of my setup working, but thats a bit complex due to having midi router (mioXM) and the way I route everything ‘through’ a pyramid sequencer.

I admit each time I open this routing ‘can of worms’, I start wistfully thinking of trying to simplify the setup some how!

I have Virus and OT Volumes on the second Page, because I don’t need them during a performance, but like to have fast access to them during songwriting / pattern building. Most important Virus here, because the Volume is hidden down in the menus somewhere.

For the Modulation on the Virus I took Controller #3, #9 and #12 (some without a feature behind them) and mapped them to the E1. Per Patch I use the ModMatrix to map Targets (and Range) to them. That way I should be able to archive a lot without having to touch the E1, because when I am making music, I don’t want to mess with settings and configuration that much. Rytm is the same. I have the CCs of the Performance-Macros mapped to the E1 instead of special Parameters, so I am able to setup the stuff in the Device per Song without touching the E1

I really love the MidiHub von Blokas here. It is such an awesome way to route all the Incoming and sent data to where I need it. My goal is, to keep the setup small enough that it is doable with those 4 in an out.

Only restriction I currently have, is the limited 16 MidiChannels on the E1, because even in a stripped down version: 8 Channels to control the Octatrack and 12 for the Rytm is too much :slight_smile: I am using the same channels for both currently re-mapping CC ranges to different Ports in the MidiHub, so OT and Rytm use the same MidiChannels. This is very limited and the opposite of transparent, when I come back to it, but hopefully it is just for a short amount of time :wink:

Next thing on my list is building and programming a Songmode-Sequencer on a Teensy, that not only sends the correct pattern changes to the Electrons, but also Mutes and Unmutes sections, so I can more focus on Modulation and Live-Paying when recoding a song. Sadly I hate Hardware-planing and building, so this might still take some time (already ordered everything I need).

yeah, this is a problem I face here too…
Ive got also got a midihub here, so was going to do a similar mapping exercise, so that I only have 1 channel with controls I need for the OT.

my mapping is currently
1 to 4 - Virus
5 to 8 - Eurorack Modules (via Hermod)
9 - Percussa SSP(Eurorack, direct)
10 - DAW 1
11 - DAW 2 / Front Panel DIN
12 - Drum Module (Eurorack, direct)
13 - Spectralis (w/mapping to various ‘tracks’, though not really using anymore :frowning: )
14 - Hermod Active Track (Eurorack)
15 - Octatrack Active Track (OT I mostly use for audio, not so much midi)
16 - Pyramid Active Track

It kind of works, and it allows me to access anything from anywhere (albeit some limitations with active tracks) , but really im not entirely happy with it… its a bit complicated… esp, if you consider there are really very few instruments here…but multitrack stuff like OT/Virus eat alot of channels.

in a similar vain to you, alot of these I probably could combine on midi channels, and separate them by CC and note range - but it just add to the complexity.

probably what I should do is stop the obsession with connecting everything to everything, and just connect what I actually need at a particular time. (mio and midihub both support ‘profiles’) … though midi clock is need almost everywhere (arghhh !)

anyway, the idea is E1, would sit on the midi router, possibly via midihub, get midi from virus/eurorack/daw , and then route to Pyramid (which is primary sequencer)

thinking about it… I could also probably just put the E1 directly connect to Pyramid
e.g. midi hub → E1 → pyramid → E1 → midi hub
as the pyramid is already the central hub.

(hmm, probably I should try to ensure midi clock is not having to go thru E ! … or perhaps in the name of simpicity, I should just ignore this !)

I streamlined my setup just last weekend by upgrading to a MioXL and a Behringer XR18. The addition of two Electras to my setup has got me excited and inspired. I have the following synths wired up to MioXL and XR18, ready to go:

  1. Access Virus TI
  2. Korg Triton Rack with MOSS
  3. Kawai K5000R
  4. Kurzweil K2000
  5. Yamaha SY77
  6. Yamaha TX7
  7. Yamaha RM50
  8. Novation Circuit
  9. Behringer Model D
  10. Behringer Neutron
  11. A small eurorack (basically Rings into Clouds lol)

The controllers are:

  1. Arturia KeyStep Pro
  2. Conductive Labs NDLR
    and, drumrolls please, two Electras! :smiley:

My aim is to write presets for all of my polysynths (In case of Virus and TX7, I am already fortunate to have presets in the community by @joris.roling and @martin).

I am not a gigging person. So, my main aim for the Electra is to be the systhesist’s tool, helping build patches and provide hands-on control over my rack synths (and maybe some VST too). As the firmware grows, I hope that it is able to morph into not just a midi controller but also be a canvas to be able to design my own tools - an ultimate expression of a software engineer like me :slight_smile:.


Hi Martin-

The “two computers” part of your message is unclear to me, could you explain? Also, did you get in touch with iconnectivity and is the problem with the mioXL solved (in later firmware or in some other way)?

Before I got Electra fully working with MioXL over the USB I used to have Electra connected to my laptop with the USB (I used that computer for uploading presets and running Electra One console app). At the same time Electra’s MIDI IO ports were connected to iConnectivity MioXL which was in turn connected to the second computer (the DAW).

Yes, It was resolved. Starting firmware 2.0 Electra works with iConnectivity without problems (tested on XM, XL, 10).

The only thing to mention is that not all USB host ports on iConnectivity routers can provide 500mA that Electra requires. In such as using a powered USB hub or a cable like ground loop adaptor.

How/where is that ground loop adapter to be connected?

it goes between the Electra One and the MioXL (usb cable) … it then has another connector which goes to a PSU.

what it does is, rather than feed power to the E1 from the MioXL, it takes the power from the PSU. (*)

it should be noted this particular adapter does not appear to come with a PSU, so you’d need to get usb psu too.
however, there are other models around that provide a psu too.

all that said, what I did was use a powered hub for my mioXM, iConnectivity support this, and it gives you some more USB ports for use with midi too.

( * ) the reason its called a ground loop adapter, is taking power over USB in audio devices, is also a common cause for ground loop noise… this can be also solved by taking power from a psu.

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Here’s the thing. I have tried to make connections according to what you wrote, but using the Electra, a Macbook Pro, an emagic AMT8 (and if needed a USB hub). The AMT8 (unlike the mioXL) has 1 single USB Device port, no Host ports at all. Is that a deal-breaker for your solution described above?
Also: I still do not understand exactly how you’re connecting the Electra and the MIDI interface - exactly what goes exactly where?

The AMT8 is ancient but passes sysex without fault when using editors from any Mac or Windows PC. The AMT8 has 8 MIDI DIN Ins and 8 Outs, a USB Device port, two types of serial ports for connecting several units. No convenient parameter controls today (the only controls are in software that works on OS9 and early PowerPC Macs, all of which I have but would love not to need, simply to program the AMT8s, which however can be done). The USB cable from the AMT8 Device port can of course be passed straight to the Electra, even using that ground loop adapter, but I cannot see how to complete the rest of the connection since I cannot get it all to work this way.

So what does the connection “drawing” look like? Or should I give it up and “just” get a mioXL?

Thanks for hanging in there!

I think there is a bit of confusion here :slight_smile:

using the mioXL was an answer to your question about how @Martin (and others) were connecting two computers (which was via the mioXL)
and from there, the talk about ground loop adapter/power refers to using iConnectivity mioXL etc and how those issues can be resolved.

it wasn’t really suggesting that you needed to buy a mioXL :slight_smile:
I think really, the question is …
“what do you want to do? what do you currently have? where to go next?”

if you are saying that you want to connect two computers via midi (which seems to be the implication)…
then yes, the ‘issue’ is computers are usb hosts.
so you can connect one computer to the E1 USB Device port.
but what about the second computer?

well there are a few USB Host solutions for this…
the iConnectivity is just one solution for this, its expensive ‘just’ for this, but of course useful if you need its other abilities.

another are things like this :

this basically, converts one side of the usb-host into a usb device, so you could connect to the E1 USB host socket.

iirc, retrokits also do something similar.

then the simplest and cheapest solution, is to buy a USB → midi din cable,
then you can plug that into your computer, and then the DIN into the E1.

so lots of solutions :slight_smile:

personally, Ive used all the above at various times… (*)
in the main, I use a mioXM which is connected to the computer, then all midi is routed via that (including the E1)
however, I often use the above MIDI USB-USB dongle, or the USB->midi din cable.
actually I probably use the USB → DIN solution the most, just because its so simple…

… not sure how this relates to the ATM8 you have, since its a bit unclear to me what you are trying to achieve, which is of course the main driver of all of this…

generally, I like to have my E1 connected to a router (mioXM), and the router connected to everything else… so the E1 talks to everything via the router.

that said, sometimes, I just grab the E1 and connect it to the computer , or an instrument directly… sometimes it just simpler to do this.
Ive learnt the hard way, chasing the ‘perfect setup’ can be a huge waste of my time :wink:

( *) for me the computer-computer connection, is usually something like a C&G Organelle, or Percussa SSP , raspberry PI… which are ‘embedded’ computers, and only have usb host ports, and I sometimes want to connect these to my Mac e.g. to drive from a DAW.

thanks very much for the effort to help me become more porous to electra-world, it’s definitely needed. you also spotted confusion i hadn’t.

the point of getting an Electra was/is to get convenient access via sysex to parameters inside microwave, m1000, morpheus, vl1m, d550, korg ws/ad, fs1r, waldorf xt, continuum, pacarana and whatever else fits (effects which speak sysex for instance), for playing but also for editing patches. these and other midi modules and keyboards are connected “together” via several emagic interfaces, ie din only to and from (most of) the synths, then usb from the mac to the first emagic interface. as i pointed out emagic midi interfaces have a single usb device port and no host ports. the result of having these units all connected to the mac is that using available sw editors is simplicity itself - when the editors work.

so the vision is have access to all these via the main computer, a mac pro from 2012, “at the same time” being able to pass sysex back and forth from each sound-making unit and electra. lastly need to control it all with a keystep pro which finds the mac via usb (or midi), or some other midi controller (a few to choose between, nearly all are midi din only).

yes it sounds like i’m hunting for the ‘perfect setup’. while most sw editors have faults and hurdles, it has been a ‘perfect setup’ meaning being able to edit patches via software on quite a few of these.

keeping track of the actual applications (sounddiver, midiquest, edisyn, unisyn, ctrlr, github projects that run on a mac, a handful of other one-off editors - that often work - made by ardent users) and the hardware needs of these softwares - well, it’s made things easy and hard at the same time. electra looked like (looks like?) a way to achieve that despite everything. needing/using the added usb capabilities of a mio looks like it might be the key. and if using two computers is another key (not needing to de-patch and re-patch each midi unit for simple editing tasks) then i’ll try that too.

and as you say: using the electra as simply as possible (direct connections, one unit at a time, for a given task) is an easy solution for any one task - if it weren’t so physically difficult to get at the midi ports of most midi modules in this miniscule room that thinks it’s a studio… the dream was to compose and play only, having access to these units, and only deal with synths’ brains when absolutely necessary or absolutely desirable. would be nice to keep it all together and accessible from the computer + electra + the keyboards/controllers…

well, afaics not due to misunderstanding (of which there’s plenty) i ordered a mioxl a day or two ago. while the emagics are rock-solid (after having re-flowed their solder-points for each interface’s power-connector) but compared to the mioxl they are limited and ancient tech (midi + usb), and as all things do they will one day die.

thanks again, ri eally do appreciate it - let’s see what turns up here when the mio xl turns up in a day or two…

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cool, the mio is great (I love my mioXM), and you have a lot of gear , so I’m sure it’ll prove itself to be very useful.

what you should be able to do is just plug everything into the mioXL, including the E1, then setup the routing on the mioXL such that, everything can talk to everything else.
(Im sure you’ll have a ton of fun working out which midi channels to use etc :wink: )
what I love is that the E1 editor will work thru the mio as it uses sysex, so you don’t have to unplug it when creating new E1 presets.

if you have any problems once it arrives,
Id suggest drawing a little diagram of what you have, and how you want it setup, then posting here as a separate topic along with what your ‘goals’ are, and what is and isn’t working - and Im sure you’ll get some really useful help from the community here.

Thanks again!
I’ll make a drawing at least if everything doesn’t clear up like magic.
Probably even if it does - might help some other wanderer…

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I spent some time this weekend, optimizing the integration of Electra in my setup and I’m pretty happy with the result.

For each controlled synth, I’m having a dedicated Electra preset. All of these presets are sending on MIDI port 1/channel 1. The actual routing from Electra to the Synths is done via a mioXL.
I’ve created a preset for each synth in the mioXL control panel, which establishes a direct connection between Electra and the synth, e.g.:

The really cool thing is that the associated mioXL preset is automatically called when an Electra preset is loaded. To achieve that, I’ve put the following LUA function into each of the Electra presets:

-- Program Change to select associated Preset on mioXL
midiMessage = {
   channel = 1,
   programNumber = 1
midi.sendMessage (PORT_2, midiMessage)

(Before doing so, of course, I had to make sure that these changes are not applied to a publicly shared preset.)
Next, the variable programNumber had to be adjusted to match the mioXL preset. Note: in the mioXL control panel, presets are numbered from 1 to 32, the MIDI values are counting from 0 to 31, though.

The last missing bit was to make sure that Electra’s port 2 is reaching mioXL’s Preset Selector port regardless of the channel selected in the DAW.

In Ableton Live, I’ve added an empty MIDI track. The input of that MIDI track is set to Electra’s port 2, the output to mioXL’s Preset Selector port. And Monitor is set to IN.
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-16 um 21.56.02

In Logic Pro, I’ve used the MIDI Environment to achieve the same behavior. I’ve created a MIDI device and set its MIDI port to the mioXL Preset Selector. Then a dragged a cable from Electra’s port 2 on the physical input module to the previously created MIDI device.

(Because I’m sometimes using Electra connected to the USB hub and sometimes to the mioXL, there’re two cables connected to the Preset Selector port…)

Now, I can switch presets on Electra and the mioXL will automatically establish a bidirectional connection between Electra and the synth. Bonus side effect, I’m not overloading the MIDI buffer of some old synth by accidentally sending Sysex messages that were not meant for that device, or messing up sounds with standard MIDI CCs. Yeah!! :tada:


Ok. So interesting how you all are doing this…

I’m a little lost. So far I’m having the E1 connected via USB to my computer. And several hardware synth via 2 x Midi Express 128. Then the E1 Midi in 1 and out 1 to the synth that I’m editing. While that works it’s obviously not really a useful setup… This is for studio / home use only…

Here’s a screenshot of my Midi setup… Any ideas how to integrate the E1 in a way that I can route it to any synth?

I’m trying to keep each synth on a different connection as I’m trying to use Midi Quest as well in the near future.

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Hey there, I have an arturia keystep pro as my controller and then I have

Roland TR8s
Novation Basstation II
Behringer Deepmind 12
Korg Monologue

I want to know if I can control all patch changes for all instruments at once with the Electra One and how.

Thanks! I’m excited to receive mine.

Hi , it is certainly possible to perform different patch changes at once per MIDI channel if you want to , via a bit of lua programming
Is that what you are after?
By the way, nice collection of synth material :wink:

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Thanks! Yeah I want to change all instrument patches at once plus maybe a global sweep or effect. But I’m unsure oh how I’ll hook it up with midi through and with the keystep pro. Any help with the schematics of it? My Electra One hasn’t even come in yet but im researching