May 7, 2024, 6:38am
I have just ordered my Electra One MK2 and while I wait for it to arrive I have started to understand and learn how to use the preset editor.
One questions I have is what would be the best way to set up this 6 stage envelope?
Would I assign one slider to “Delay” and then an “ADDSR” envelope? If so, how would I assign the different 6 parameters across the L1-4/R1-4?
Thanks in advance!
That would work! Personally, I prefer a one physical knob to one control mapping, so I would just map out all 6 parameters to 6 physical knobs. Improves consistency, less modes to switch between.
Assigning parameters is explained here: Preset Editor | Electra One Documentation
May 9, 2024, 9:36am
Great, thanks. Looking forward to receiving my Electra One and trying it out.