Martin- family comes first, don’t worry about us. Best wishes for her recovery!
All the best to you and your family!
Positive vibes and well wishes man. We can hold things down.
Wholeheartedly with you and your family.
Thanks for keeping us updated Martin. I hope your family’s health is improving.
I woulds very much like to purchase an Electra One. Is it possible to somehow be informed when they become available again? e.g. social media or an Electra One mail-out?
Thanks, Mick
Thanks Mick!
The situations is that I am now settled in Maastricht, Netherlands. We will have to stay here for about 8 months. A good thing is that I recently started working on the project again. All the efforts and time now go to the firmware programming and changes of the website application.
As 8 months is quite a long time, I am trying to organize things so that the manufacturing could be done even if I am present in the Czech workshop. Please subscribe the “Availability” thread here on the forum (Availability) by hitting the “Watching” icon. All announcements will be posted there.
Sorry to hear, Martin. I hope things are better now for your wife and you. Sending positive vibes and energy, despite being a few months late to see this news.
An update for those who followed this. My wife and I returned home last weekend after being in Maastricht, Netherlands for almost a year. It was not easy time but it helped and the situation is much better now.
Starting today, I am working from our workshop again, with Zdenek and all the equipment around me
I would like to say thank you for great support I received from many of you. And to whole community for being very tolerant to my frequent absences. I truly hope I will have much more time to work on E1 now!
Really happy for you to hear that things get better .
And again thank you for all . We are so lucky to have you and your team make this incredible device . And more true with all the context you described ! Whatever, health is the priority and i am also proud to be part of this incredible E1 community . Even if i am not the most active one . I really appreciate the way that people interact and share informations/Knowledge ! Great people all around this fantastic project .
Glad to read this. Thanks so much for letting us know.
As already mentioned in a PM I believe that your always kind and engaged way to behave and react is one of the most important reasons that the E1 community is such a great one. I can’t agree more with what @Abbes already wrote.
Thanks for all!
So glad that things are working out for you and your family, @Martin !
Wonderful news! So good to hear!
great to read this martin! i’m very happy for you all
I was so happy to read that your wife is doing better. Family is always the most important thing. Nice to have you back Martin
A year is a long time to deal with an illness. Hope you’re all doing good now.