Arbitrary String of CCs on Press

This has probably been asked for but would be nice to have a control option (no programming needed) where you enter an arbitrary string of CCs (at least 4) for a control and they get sent when you press a rotary or the screen mapping to that control.

CCs sent with a constant value for each?

If not, what would be the mechanism to set each of the CC values each time?

Yes, send an arbitrary set of CCs with constant values to configure some instrument that needs multiple CC messages to configure things (which could be an arbitrary MSB/LSB midi message using any two CCs defined for example). The Softstep controller can do things like this. Haken Continuum and Expressive Osmose have a number of commands that require two sets of CCs as an example. Perhaps one CC sets a portamento on/off and another CC sets the portamento range, etc. One CC might set a reverb on and another set a reverb type (might need one CC to set the reverb mix and two additional CCs to set the type), etc.