I‘m torn again between using an external midi controller for quick page navigation or sticking with the two hands and two step navigation of the electra (hold button and touch encoder).
It would be really cool if the left hardware buttons on the Electra can be configured to back/first/forward page navigation - I don‘t use these buttons for section navigation. Touch works faster for me. And I don‘t want to loose controls on the screen for a page navigation.
Same here; I don’t use the left buttons, so they could be made useful for patch navigation. Maybe through a setting , so everyone can choose between the current use of the buttons or a navigational use?
I’d also be interested in using the buttons for page navigation - using top left for previous page and top right for next page. If this was done on the online configuration editor, it would be specific to each user’s individual E1 so wouldn’t interfere with shared presets. I could also then open the ‘presets’ menu and request patches using the other buttons on the left.
Another option that could be useful is swiping to previous/next pages, but buttons would be my preference !(I also don’t use the buttons for selecting rows as it’s much quicker to select the control you want on screen)
Little bit late to the Party, but maybe my Pot Touch Control could help you with your Problem. You can assign page switches to the Touch Combos.
But be aware, its more kind of PoC. So there are some known Errors.