Extra F0 F7?

Using OS 3.1.

I have a patch.onRequest() LUA function where I select the patch number with a virtual fader and then it gets sent when the Patch Request button is pressed.

I notice that in my MIDI stream coming out of the Electra One, I see the message I created and then I see an extra F0 F7 message. Is there a way to suppress that extra message?

I have highlighted this as well.
I think it comes from the webapp.
You cannot delete the device.patch section from the json via the webapp.
There will always remain a residu.
The way to solve it is to cut it out of the json and reimport the template.

ok example

  "devices": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Generic MIDI",
      "instrumentId": "generic-midi",
      "port": 1,
      "channel": 1

Here a patch request byte was added and then deleted and the “patch” remains.

  "devices": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Generic MIDI",
      "instrumentId": "generic-midi",
      "port": 1,
      "channel": 1,
      "patch": [
          "request": [],
          "responses": [
              "header": [],
              "rules": []

I will adjust both the firmware and web app so that this is not happening. I think I will be able to include it in tonights release to beta.

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fix is available on beta