Firmware v3.5.4 (both mk1/mk2)

A new firmware version is now available for download. For the complete release log, please visit Electra One App

The release brings collection of important bug fixes for issues reported by the users. It also makes firmware ready for upcoming larger-scale v3.6 update.

Note, the firmware file is now called firmware-v3.5.4.srec not Controller-v3.5.4.srec. This is an intentional change.


I’d like to ask a question about my MkII. I had relatively recent (before 3.5.4) firmware.
I started the E1 connected to a mioXL that has always worked. E1 started and restarted over and over and over again. I disconnected, then reconnected directly to a handy MacBook Pro. It started, and stayed stable. An hour later it remained stable.
I reconnected E1 to the mioXL in question, and this time it remained stable there too!

However, because of the wierd behaviour before, I thought the-firmware-thought.
Checked and saw that said there’s a newer stable firmware, that I should update, so I did.

Got the same behaviour as before, ie when E1 is connected to that mioXL, E1 starts and restarts as long as I let it. Disconnecting, then connecting directly to the Mac, gets the stable behaviour.

I sort-of-need that mioXL since E1 has always seemed to work (MIDI DIN) with a number of hardware units connected to that mioXL which is convenient. Any guesses as to my next step?

You could try putting a powered USB hub in between to see if that fixes things, if so then it is a power issue


Electra restarts like that when there is not enough power. I assume it reboots after the initial start up screen is completed. That’s the moment when power hungry processes start. As a MioXL owner I know that not all Mio’s port can deliver enough power. Try different USB ports on your Mio or, as @markus.schloesser suggested, use a powered hub or Y-cable to provide more power. Also note, power requirements (within the 500mA limit) can change with individual firmware releases.

Thanks, changing USB-A port on that same mioXL did the trick!

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@Martin Bug: In a list with values C C# D etc. the # is displayed as a space. See e.g. Electra One App the transpose key control.

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I’m using the following function in 3.5.4. It does show the #.

notes = {"C %d ","C#%d","D %d ","D#%d","E %d ","F %d ","F#%d","G %d ","G#%d","A %d ","A#%d","B %d "}
function displayNotes (valueObject, value)
  return (string.format(notes[math.fmod(value, 12) +1], (value// 12)-1))

Never mind @Martin. My bad: it turns out to be the Unicode ♯ character that got dumped by the remote script.

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