How to stop control from resetting to default value when pot is double-tapped?

Hi I am busy with the v3.7. That release will bring three major changes:

  1. support for presets for MIDI controllers. It will allow mapping of E1 commands to the external hardware.
  2. support for custom configuration of E1 hardware buttons.
  3. zero-configuration automapping of knobs on external controller to E1 on-screen controls.

the above work is focused on making it possible to extend E1 hardware with 3rd party products and allow customizations. I have already decided to add a few more configuration options that are in line with it. eg, control over the (lcd) long touch, knob touch + left side buttons combos. And I included the option to enable/disable/configure the double-tap. The v3.7 will definitely bring it on the controller configuration level. Later on, I will make it possible to override and manage the configuration from the preset Lua.

I am currently travelling and a bit limited in what I can do. I will upload v3.7 beta to as soon as I am back in the workshop and it feels good enough for testing.