Double tap a knob to toggle a button (or reset a value)

It would be really nice to quickly toggle buttons by double-tapping a knob.

Similarly, right now there is no feature for resetting a knob value, while the reset value is part of the control configuration. Double tapping a knob could reset the value to its default.

I know there was a topic before where a similar feature was suggested, but that was for a single tap. Double-tap a knob is much less likely to occur accidentally. You could make this a setting in the Electra One configuration so it can be turned on/off if people still have issues.


I made a Template for Pot Touch Combos with Single and Double Tab. It should be quiet easy to adopt it to your needs. Just use value:getDefault() to get the Default Value and set it as the current Value.

Hope it get’s you started.

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Absolutely fantastic @busa !

I really like that feature on Moss’s Bitwig plugin. Definitely will use it especially for preset switching.

Looking now if I can make this a generic preset for the double tapping on any pot.

I still hope Electra will consider making it a generic feature, since having to adapt every preset is a lot of work.

@busa I noticed that the doubletap works on three knobs even when they are different, the preset seems to pick the last three as the page to jump to. Is this intentional?

Indeed! Good catch! Never used it like this, so didn’t run into the bug. Will fix it asap. Thanks for pointing me to the Problem!

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Thanks! However to be honest it’s quite a nice bug… it may actually prefer it :slight_smile:


I was not able to understand on how/where to use the value:getDefault() that @busa suggests. I try to make my own script based on the PotTouchComboActions preset but I fail miserably.

Just creating a preset with a fader. I want to touch it to rever to 63. This is what I do. Any help?

-- Status Variables
debug = 1

-- Init ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Enable Timer Events and set Timer Period to 10ms

-- Register for PotTouch-Events

-- Helper Functions ---------------------------------------------------------

-- Simple Function to print log comments if Debug Flag is set
function log(message)
  if debug == 1 then

-- Function to revert fader to default value 63
function revertToDefault(controlId)
  local defaultValue = 63
  -- Set the control value to 63
  local success = controls.get(controlId) -- Ensure control exists
  if success then
    controls.set(controlId, defaultValue)
    log("Successfully reverted Control "..controlId.." to default value: "..defaultValue)
    log("Failed to revert Control "..controlId.." to default value: "..defaultValue)

-- PotTouch Functions -------------------------------------------------------

-- Register PotTouch Functions
function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
  log("Pot "..potId.." touched, controlId: "..controlId..", touched: "..tostring(touched))
  if touched then

I also tried baby steps. To record the tap (and print to know it sees it) and then to revert to 63 but no lack:

-- Init ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Register for PotTouch-Events

-- PotTouch Function --------------------------------------------------------

-- Register PotTouch Function
function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
  if touched then
    print("knob was tapped")
    controls.send(controlId, 63)
    controls.setPot(potId, 63) -- Set the current pot value to 63


I solved it :slight_smile:

I will soon upload the preset :slight_smile:

Here is it!

Touch > Default CC

Hi @Llorgos , I checked your preset and saw you had trouble resetting controls to their default value. I tackled this issue before, here is a snippet of code I used to reset controls by double tapping.

lastControlId = -1
lastValue = -1
doubleTouchWindowSize = 5
potStatus = 0
doubleTouchWindow = 0

function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
    -- only handle release events
    -- TODO: handle overriding release when a new one is touched
    if not touched then

    -- only handle on screen controls
    if controlId >= 500 then 
        print(string.format("ignoring control %s", controlId))

    local control = controls.get(controlId)
    local value = getValue(control)

    -- do not handle touch if:
    -- 1. it was not a doubletouch
    -- 2. we are not touching the same control
    -- 3. we did not change the value the last time we touched the control
    if doubleTouchWindow < 1 or controlId ~= lastControlId or value ~= lastValue then
      doubleTouchWindow = doubleTouchWindowSize
      lastControlId = controlId
      lastValue = value

    doubleTouchWindow = 0


function getControlParameterId(controlId)
    local control = controls.get(controlId)
    local valueIds = control:getValueIds()

    for i, valueId in ipairs(valueIds) do
        return control:getValue(valueId):getMessage():getParameterNumber()

function getValue(control)
    local valueIds = control:getValueIds()
    local value = control:getValue(valueIds[1])
    local message = value:getMessage()
    local parameterId = message:getParameterNumber()
    local value = parameterMap.get(channel, PT_VIRTUAL, parameterId)
    return value

function setValue(control, v)
    local valueIds = control:getValueIds()
    local value = control:getValue(valueIds[1])
    local message = value:getMessage()
    local parameterId = message:getParameterNumber()
    local value = parameterMap.set(channel, PT_VIRTUAL, parameterId, v)

function resetValue(control)
    local valueIds = control:getValueIds()
    local value = control:getValue(valueIds[1])
    local message = value:getMessage()
    local defaultValue = value:getDefault()
    local valueRange = value:getMax() - value:getMin()
    local defaultFactor = (defaultValue - value:getMin()) / valueRange
    local messageRange = message:getMax() - message:getMin()
    local v = math.floor(messageRange * defaultFactor)
    local parameterId = message:getParameterNumber()
    parameterMap.set(channel, PT_VIRTUAL, parameterId, v)

-- keep ticking down the doubletouch window
function timer.onTick ()
  if (doubleTouchWindow > 0) then 
    doubleTouchWindow = doubleTouchWindow -1 

Thanks. Does not seem to work for me. I doublt tap but it wont go back to default.

@christianvogel if you could help me introduce your double taps here it would be amazing! This is taken from the preset I created here: Touch > Default CC

-- Init ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Mapping of potId to controlId
potToControlMap = {
    [0] = 3, -- pot 0 controls fader 3
    [1] = 4, -- pot 1 controls fader 4
    [2] = 5  -- pot 2 controls fader 5

-- Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------

function revertFaderToDefault(controlId)
    local faderControl = controls.get(controlId)
    local valueObj = faderControl:getValue("value")
    local message = valueObj:getMessage()

    local defaultValue
    if controlId == 3 then
        defaultValue = 20
    elseif controlId == 4 then
        defaultValue = 50
    elseif controlId == 5 then
        defaultValue = 80

    if defaultValue then

-- Callbacks ---------------------------------------------------------------

function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
    if touched then
        local actualControlId = potToControlMap[potId]

-- Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Set initial default values
for potId, controlId in pairs(potToControlMap) do

I made a working example preset so anyone can use and adapt it to their needs.

This code also scales the default value to the output of the controller, and allows you to double tap a button to toggle it.

Double tap template preset

I hope that at some point this will become a configurable option of the ElectraOne itself so the tapping becomes more responsive and not every preset will need code to enable it.

Thanks! However it does not work or I don’t know how to make it work. The reason is that since the MIDI message is VIRTUAL and not CC, it seems to not be able to be learned on my application. Trying to learn the Fabfilter Volcano 3 Frequency and it won’t work. If I switch to CC then the double tap does not work.

It needs a small adaptation in the call to read and set the parameters if you want to use CC.

I updated the above preset so you can set it, it is the paramType field at the top of the Lua code. By default it is now set to PT_CC7 which is probably what you are using. You can see all valid types here.

It should work now for your use case.

Thanks, indeed now it works. Lots to learn about LUA.