Thanks, but the Matrix 6 isn’t one of mine, but I’ll take all the credit of course. lol
With the PCM70 the display is changing which helps (at least in the beginning) if the correct parameter is changing according to the value at the .1
Do you know it the parameter on the PCM81 will be changing if it is showing at the display of the PCM81 and it is changed using the .1?
Yes - I believe that you will see the change if you have it dialed up on the PCM screen.
It’s been a while since I had the 70 around, so my memory is always a bit suspect. The PCM 80/81 MIDI documentation specifically mentions the display does not keep up with the remote edits.
On the flip side, the Korg DL 8000R and AM 8000R do jump around and so does the Waldorf XT, so it varies. You should be able to hear the immediate change on the 81 though.
As mentioned I was giving the preset another try today and besides the odd “Cannot store data as requested” message everything works fine and as desigend (as far as I can tell).
Thanks again for the great support
OK, you still have a MIDI loop that needs to be fixed. Until that is correct, nothing will be working 100%.
So, do this:
unplug the Electra One from the computer.
Use a USB power adapter and connect it to the Electra One.
Verify you only have the PCM 81 connected (in/out) to the Electra One port 1 (out/in).
Power up the PCM 81.
Power up the Electra One.
Now you should be able to Sync, select patches, and edit and never see the “Unable to save” message.
Once that is working, try the same thing with the PCM70. Something on your computer is causing a MIDI loop, especially if you unchecked all the routing boxes on the Electra One.
I double checked all settings as mentioned by you.
-USB Power supply for .1 no connection to PC
-Direct MIDI connection between .1 on PCM81
-First power up PCM81 then .1
Unfortunately still getting message “Cannot store data as requested”
Not sure what else to test…
So there is something in the E1 that is sending the message back to the PCM 81.
When the E1 is hooked to the computer, and you bring up the web UI, in the Controller section, make sure there is only the single PCM 80 preset in the slot. If there are any other presets in any other banks/slots, remove them. I know this is a long shot, but we have to look at everything.
In the Router section, make sure it looks like the attached picture (Electra OS 3.6.1).
You have to understand - this preset (and all others) have been tested by the developers before being made public. Unless there is something fundamentally wrong/changed with the preset, basic operation should be working as designed. The only way you are getting that message on the PCM 81 is because the program you downloaded is from the register (factory presets) area and the E1 is trying to send it back to save it.
Maybe try re-downloading the PCM 80 1.04 preset and load that into your E1. I am on travel until Monday night, but I did load that preset and connect my PCM 81 to it and it worked as designed before I left.
Sorry for the delay of my reply.
I checked the routing page several times in the past and every time it looked like the pic you posted.
I went ahead and deleted all presets and installed them again fresh from the preset library.
With the empty .1 I checked the routing page again just for kicks and guess what suddenly the MIDI IO Port 1 was forwarded to MIDI OUT 1 !!!
Of course, I changed the setting and redeployed the PCM80 preset and the “Cannot store data as requested” message disappeared and the preset worked flawlessly.
As I mentioned in earlier posts the router page of the .1 looked always correct . What beats me is why it changed (or showed as changed) when I deleted all the presets.
I tried to recreate the behavior and installed and deleted presets again and again to see why it happened but to no avail.
I was not able to recreate it and the routing page shows the MIDI 1 OUT/IN “un-routed” and the PCM80 preset worked every time during the test.
I wonder if there is something wrong with my .1 since I also observe hang-ups/freezing during using presets when buttons stop responding and I need to unplug it from USB power or the fonts starting to getting dimmer and dimmer until they barley readable and I’ve to perform a “soft reset”.
Thanks again for your awesome support and let’s continue on the PCM70 thread…
See below for the lockups. The fonts getting dimmer is a problem I have never seen, so maybe there is a hardware problem with your Electra. Contact @martin about it to see if it is a known issue.
Thank you for tracking down the issues on your end. There is something about the Electra Configuration and presets and OS versions. I do see that sometimes my configuration changes unexpectedly, but I thought it was due to changing between multiple OSes and multiple web URLs (,, the beta site).
If you are editing a patch and the Electra locks up and needs to be rebooted – it could be due to a problem in the PCM 80 preset editor. If you can remember or repeat the steps that caused it to lock up, that will help me diagnose the problem.
In general, a lock-up/freeze should never happen and it is usually due to a coding error. So, having the OS version and the steps that you were doing before the freeze would be great. Even if you said “I was editing PCM 80 program 3.4 DoubleTap and changing reverb parameters and it froze” that is still helpful.
It is very difficult for any developer to test every parameter and every combination of edits, so feedback from users is a great way to make the preset work better for everyone.