If you edit a register, it should pre-populate the save with that value.
If you edit a factory program, it still sets it to 0.0 since I have no idea what is currently open.
Mod patching is tweaked. Flashes when you change source or target, the source and target controls change to reflect what you selected as starting points.
The Hi Cut control appears in the Controls section of my PCM 81. If you have a specific patch that is is somewhere else, let me know (PCM 80 or 81, any OS, any card).
Delay V5, V6 seem fine on my box. NOTE that if a control is a mod target, it will be purple in color and may not reflect the current value since it is being modified by something.
Did not get to voice range checking when moving master control
I believe I finally solved the midRt value mystery.
Also did more cleanup in the Mod Patch realm.
Might have fixed some weirdness with presets using algorithms 35 - 56
Play around and let me know.
Reminder - Mod patching - pick a Mod from the top 2 rows. Your selection will turn red.
If you adjust source or target, that slot should start flashing until you touch it again to propagate the change.
Next, you can select an existing value in the bottom area to adjust the source or target amount. Touch an entry and it will highlight. Use the far right source/target controls to adjust the values and/or add new ones.
Once youâre happy, press Send and it will transmit the new mod patch back to the PCM 80.
Thereâs no UNDO at this point. Thatâs a headache to be saved for later.
Still TBD - find a nice way to comb through the user registers to see whatâs there and show register names that are saved and that are available.
Still TBD - currently delay times are limited to 1350 ms (or whatever I have). I have code in place to change the max based on the algorithm and the unit (80 vs 81 are different) and if additional RAM is installed. HOWEVER, since the Master scaling and/or the max time can exceed the current display ranges, it goes negative and you canât edit them, so until I solve this, itâs fixed at 1350 max.
I might work on these issues a bit or I might work on the H3000 or I might have some wine and browse eBayâŚ
As always - I very much appreciate the feedback from people actually trying to use these editors.
Got a chance to play with the latest template this morning and patching is unfortunately broken for me. Crashing every time I play with it and getting the enclosed LUA error in the debugger. I have to reset E1 with the button on the back when this happens.
This always happens when I scroll through the Patch Source value. Also noticed that when the patch is in âunassignedâ state at the start, scrolling through Target doesnât change the label - it just sits at âNoneâ and pressing the flashing patch button doesnât create any patch values below. Editing an existing patch seems to work though and update the values configured.
Got this as I scroll through Patch Source;
10:09:27.673 error running function ârunFunctionâ: ctrlv2/slots/p000.lua:1386: bad argument #1 to âsetLabelâ (string expected, got nil)
Sorry about that. It is/was because you happened to grab the version while i was editing it for more changes/fixes.
Try re-downloading it now. I just pulled it down again to verify.
Note that I didnât test all algs, but in general itâs working well.
This has been a problem for me in the past - how do I work on a preset while people also want to download it?
I can make a copy, but then I keep having to change the link to it. If I edit in place and donât save, I lose work 100% of the time - lol So Iâm kind of stuck.
As a bonus for your troubles - After a successful sync, go to page 11. Only press the âPAD MOMENTARYâ button. Touch nothing else there. Watch the upper part of the Electra One flash and flash and data is transferred. Once that all stops, you should now have the User register names in the patch list on page 1 when scrolling.
Let me know what you find.
I do see some odd results/errors with some algorithms and reverb params as Mod Patch targets, but itâs not consistent and I am not touching it again until Monday.
The user register name thing will be more useful once the latest OS for the Electra becomes generally available and I implement the data storage for the names. I believe I will be able to tie that saved info to a particular PCM, so you might be able to have multiple devices with different configs and be able to intelligently switch between them.
In any case, once I can store/retrieve data, the user will need to pull them back manually just once and then I can keep them updated (and saved).
Updated to 1.04.
Main area of cleanup is the Mod Patch section.
Some notes in case people forget - once you are happy editing a mod slot and the pivot points you must send it to the PCM 80/81 before picking a different mod slot or else you will lose your changes.
Given the potential complexity and confusion with lots of modulations and editing multiple slots, I thought it best too work one at a time, that way you donât accidentally send multiple possibly unfinished changes to the PCM 80.
Thereâs still some magic happening inside the PCM 80 that auto-scales the target values for any source change that I do not have sussed out yet, so if youâre changing from a source like an envelope or switch to an LFO or something, you will probably need to adjust the source and target values for each pivot point for now.
@oldgearguy thanks again for your great contribution keeping the old gear alive
I just installed the pcm80 patch but ran into the same âSysex Data ErrorâŚâ message as @cdp last year.
I uninstalled all .one patches and only installed the pcm80 one and checked the midi settings on the pcm81 and they look fine.
SYNC button works fine, see debugger info:
17:28:31.090 Midi::processSysex: matched response: responseId=0
17:28:31.094 lua: we received a heartbeat response
17:28:31.190 lua: sending heartbeat (sysconfig request)
17:28:31.363 Midi::processSysex: matched response: responseId=0
17:28:31.367 lua: Device ID: 0.0
17:28:31.368 lua: Version: 1.00
17:28:31.369 lua: # RAM pages: 16
17:28:31.371 lua: program banks = 6, register banks = 1
17:28:31.372 lua: Number of algorithms: 17.0
17:28:31.373 lua: Card present? No
Let me know if I should perfom additional testing.
Seems like luck isnât really on my side during my first steps with the .1âŚ
So once you got Sync to work, you were able to scroll through the patch names?
Then pressing the Electra One âget patchâ button (upper right soft button) gives you the error or do you see the error on the PCM 80 before that?
First - is there anything else hooked up to the Electra One or is it just the PCM 80 (or in previous posts the 70)?
What about the computer? If the computer is hooked to the Electra One, do you have any music/DAW software running? If you do, the info from them could be causing the issue. For best testing, all that should be exited and just have a browser running and talking to the Electra One.
In the PCM 81, in the Control menu, please verify these settings:
3.1 (MIDI Receive) - set to a channel, 3.2 (MIDI Transmit - set to same MIDI channel)
3.3 - Pgm Change = On, 3.4 - Automation = Off
3.5 Foot Pedal = Off, 3.6 Int Clock = Transmit Off
3,7 Sysex Receive = On
I can scroll to the patch names but get the message on the PCM81 âCannot store data as requestedâ.
But after the message the patch is changing correctly.
If you scroll through a few registers and then press the âGet Patchâ button, that is where you get the error?
You should not be trying to press Save.
The Electra One âGet Patchâ button is hardware, itâs not on a screen. Those 3 black soft rubber buttons on the right side of the knobs are the ones. The top one is the 'Get Patch" button. That is what you press after selecting a register to edit.
Yep, I used the âunmarkedâ rubber buttons when I receive the message on the PCM81.
Itâs first:
âLoading effectâŚâ then âMIDI Data dump is completeâ and shortly after âCannot store data as requestedâ.
That almost sounds like a loop is set up either with the computer+Electra One or on the Electra One itself.
In the Controller Configuration section (the web manual page is here: routing) uncheck everything in the Routing section so nothing is routed anywhere. That should help in case something on the computer is looping.
The extra âtrying to saveâ stage is typically due to the Electra One receiving the patch dump and then that same dump is being sent back out
âSysex Data ErrorâŚâ is resolved, this only happens when the .1 is showing âPrime Blueâ and you fidel with one of the controls for the first time and not load a vaild patch to the PCM81.
As soon as a patch is loaded no sysex error message.
I can see an asterix â*â in the display of the PCM81 when I change the value of an a paramter on the .1 but the display on the PCM81 is not switching to the parameter in questions (compared to the PCM70) is this the usual behavior?
Give me a few more minutes - one of my Electra Oneâs is apart and the other is finishing a disk check.
Yes - the PCM 70/80/81 and most other presets that retrieve MIDI data do not like randomly editing parameters since there are so many and often the same virtual control on the screen is re-purposed based on the current algorithm loaded.
Synthesizers in general are easier because you always have oscillators, filters, envelopes, etc. The effects units that have multiple algorithms inside can be very challenging to code up properly.
In general - the PCM series display does not change to keep up with the Electra One. In theory I can have it follow, but the amount of MIDI data flowing back and forth would likely make edits jumpy and just not great.