Maximum size of LUA code?

Thanks for that. I wasn’t sure if I remembered Martin posting numbers or not.

I’ve run into situations on the Mk I version where the memory bar looked OK (about 7 out of 10) and then while running, suddenly seeing msgs about out of space.
I know there’s a garbage collector in LUA and I try to keep large temporary storage to a minimum.

The other aspect is more on the practicality side - scrolling through lots of code and data to do edits gets tedious sometimes. I guess I could do more offline and then paste it in later.

| adamc
June 25 |

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I do recall a post talking about the RAM in the MKII thread:

Electra One mkII General discussion

There is 64MB on board. 32MB directly accessible with Lua (currently around 150kB) and other 32MB for storing graphical assets, lists, etc.

And some other context in there.


I have a preset that has about 2300 lines of LUA. I anticipate it topping out around 3000 or so lines.

Precompiled lines in any language isn’t a good indicator of program size/memory consumption as you can make a few lines take up tons of memory or have thousands of bit twiddling lines that uses barely any because it’s efficiently packing stuff in memory.