Multiple Electra Ones for one VST?

Howdy. So far I am absolutely thrilled with my Electra.
A question/request: Is it /can it be possible to use more than one unit to address a VST’s parameters?
There are two aspects to this: one, the ability to have two units runnings identical presets controlling the same parameters (see example below) while still maintaining updated values/feedback. Two, having the computer (in my case a mac) recognize 2 or more units and distinguish between them (the Midi Fighter Twister has alternate firmware that does this - you can name units with the suffix 1,2,3,or 4.)

Use case: I’m one of those sythesists who grew up doing the both hands on the knobs, spontaneous programming -as-performance thing. I went back in the box (mostly, not entirely) because software - some VST/AUs like Zebra and Bazille, and environments like Max and Plogue Bidule - were much more capable of reaching the sonic pallette that I desired, but it’s very hard to blend these two things together with any kind of spontaneity. I’ve been able to do it with careful programming of multiple controllers, but most are limited to 7 bit midi or suffer from other issues - I’ve been using multiple MFTs despite missing the ability to move multiple faders at once, so have finally made piece with encoders/knobs. The Electra, is on an entirely different level - decent knob resolution plus acceleration, an interface that lets you really see what you are doing, and just the feel of it. But of course, physical reality limits how many controls are available at one time. So with a softsynth like Zebra, with its hundreds of useful-in-performance parameters, one still can’t act on a sudden inspitration to , say, move the frequency of a comb filter up while turning up an FM osciillator frequency at the same time.
BUT - two Electras, both running the same preset, would be about as close to solving that dilmena as one could get - especially with the capability to use something like a launchpad (of the Faderfox LX2 I just acquired) to quickly select which set of parameters is needed on each side. Comb FIlters page and rows on the left hand unit, FMO on the right, and away you go with a miniimal break in the improvisational flow.

So- is there any reason we can’t use two units at once with the same destination now? And is there a chance of something like a sequential unit names option similar to the alt twister firmware in the future?

Not a complaint at all - just a very passionate hope. This is by far the single best controller of any kind I’ve ever worked with as it is (and I’ve worked with and grown frustrated with wayyyyy too many, over decades).

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I don’t see any reason why this wouldn’t work. And I have two Electras for this purpose. Same device (Korg Triton MOSS), two presets controlling different aspects of it at the same time. At the end of the day, it is only midi messages originating from two controllers, reaching the same device. As long as the device can process multiple incoming midi (which your mac surely can), you should be good. Key point to remember is that the two controllers need to pull patch info to be informed of changes from the other controller. That depends on how you are conceiving your presets.

I am unfamiliar with the twister feature that distinguishes between units running same presets. What will be the use case? Will the receiving device need to react to same preset action from two different controllers in different ways?


The use case with the twister device suffix firmware - it’s that if both units have the same device name, the host can’t distinguish between the two, which depending on the host can sometimes be a problem (and always is if you are running different mappings on each unit, unless you very carefully plug each unit in to the mac in order, and then test - hard with the twisters since they sometimes need a quick plug/unplug to be recognized in the first place).

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It is an interesting one. I will give it something thinking and will do a few tests. Electra can send different serial number in the USB identification. I am not sure, however, if that would help much. The most logical option would be to make it possible to rename the USB port names. It is easy to do, but the port names are not picked up by all operating systems. Renaming the USB product name (Electra controller) would be a reliable option but I feel a bit uneasy about that.

Another option would be to daisy chain the Electras. ie. the second unit would be connected to the USB host of the first one. I would suggest using a powerred hub or a ground loop adaptor is a very convenient.

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