[Preset ] Roland SE-02 (V2)

I have the SE-02 editor from Studio Electronics, so I thought it might be worthwhile monitoring the traffic going on between the two of them. The editor only finds the SE-02 via USB, any one has an idea how to intercept USB MIDI data from editor into SE-02 (MIDI thru won’t work, I tried that, but the editor won’t connect with the SE-02 if midi thru or MIDI echo is on)? I’m pretty sure it is MIDI !

The other way round is easier, by monitoring what came out of the DIN MIDI OUT of the SE-02.

Here’s what I found: if the editor requests a patch from the SE-2 , the SE-2 responds in 4 chunks:
3 times 78 Bytes, and one time 62.


The header starts as follows
41 = Roland
10 = Device ID (if the SE-02 follows Roland standards)
00 00 00 44 will be the Model ID SE-02 (Roland typically adds one or more 00H’s in front of the Model ID to ‘differentiate various things’ (found in D-05 MIDI manual)
12 is usually a Roland command ID (DT1) for transfer while 11= RQ1 is the counterpartner for Request.
So my guess is where are indeed looking at a data transfer where shortly after 12 is the body , consisting of an address then data and it ends with a checksum.

When the SE02 editor is finding the SE-02 for the first time, this is what the SE-02 responds :

Last check: retrieving the first patch of the first bank, for which I know it is called INBOUND . I believe the names to be 16 digits long. The name is in the second to last row: 49 6E 62 6F 75 6E 64 and a bunch of zero’s stand for “Inbound”

Hope this has some value for someone somewhere :slight_smile: