V4.0 testing [was V3.7]

I think there’s a regression in 3.7.0f that breaks my preset made for my REAPER control surface plugin. On the E1, I’m doing this to ensure that knob movement is always applied to control set #3:

function events.onPotTouch(potId, controlId, touched)
    PotTouched[potId+1] = touched

    local controlSet = pages.getActiveControlSet ()
    if controlSet == 1 or controlSet == 2 then
        pages.setActiveControlSet (3)

When updating to v3.7.0f, this just stopped working requiring me to manually click on the third control set to enable it. Any idea why this is happening?

Knobs provide smoother readings

Thanks for the improved pot readout, it is working much better than v3.6.1/2. The maximum acceleration is a bit slow with the current version. It used to be very easy to get from min to max with a very quick but short movement. With v3.7.0f, this is very hard. I mostly hit the neighboring knobs with my fingers before reaching the end of the value range. Is that slower acceleration part of the fix?

On-screen controls can be mapped and adjusted using MIDI CC (absolute and relative)

Can we also change a control’s value range, name, value text or control type (button, fader, envelope, list) using MIDI messages?