Does anyone here have a Preset they can share for:

I’ll check again later today to see if I broke anything in the Patch Request.

You can also try sending a dump from the PCM 70 to the Electra One manually.
Page 5-2 of the PCM 70 manual, the section called: Sending a Single Register to Another PCM 70 should work: Press and hold the UP key and while holding, press the LOAD key.

You should see the Electra One respond

That patch request method shows in MIDI Monitor but not PCM70.
I’ll try the other way in a bit.

I mis-interpreted the system exclusive data for the patch request.

I will recode it and send you a link to the new one.
I will be curious if you manually send down a dump if the Electra One preset responds properly.


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Just tried the other way a few ways but get no response from E1 nor from MIDI Monitor.

I have a E-mu Proteus 2000 and a Technics WSA1.

Plan was to make a preset for the Proteus, but I just discovered the MIDI out of it is not functional, so I’ll need to repair it first unfortunately.

For the WSA1 no plans yet in the coming future

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Nothing that suggests to me that E1 noticed those button presses on PCM70

So sending a patch dump from the PCM 70 doesn’t show up in MIDI Monitor?

(assumption is that you have PCM 70 out split to both E1 and Mac or can hook the out temporarily to the Mac to verify its dumping a patch)

or just hang out until I sell some stuff and get enough $$ to buy a decent condition PCM 70. lol

My PCM 70s are both out for repair at the moment. Won’t be able to help test until they are back.
Thank you @oldgearguy for doing this!!!

This is a non-public, basic system exclusive test trying to talk to the Lexicon PCM 70.
In theory, if you spin the far right encoder and press the Electra One ‘Patch Request’ button (right side of the knobs, top button), this will request a patch dump and display some basic info in place of the 1/2/3 pad names.

PCM 70 test

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Is a specific MIDI channel specified in this preset?

Finally something works.
A bit confused by what I did to show that something works. I’ve been running back and forth between the E1 and the Lex, repeatedly checking what might have done what. Now I no longer know for sure which I did (sent a Patch Req from E1, or hit the send combination (Up and Load) on the Lex. In any event, Pads 1,2 and 3 now show Concert Hall, Patch Loc: 0.4 and GIT GATEWAVE. And whichever it was I did, both manipulations ought to produce the same changed information on E1’s screen. However, neither of these (requesting the Lex Patch using E1, or sending the Lex Patch using Lex) seems to produce anything when trying again.

I will power-cycle and try again.

Result: 5 hits on the Patch req button on E1 get nothing changing on the E1 screen.

2nd result (unused to using the PCM70 the past few years, so I forgot that the Patch needs to be aither auto-loaded or manually loaded before trying to send it somewhere): once I got that sussed, the 3 pads change to Rich Chamber, Pgm Loc: 0.0, SIDECHAMBER1

Conclusion: correctly sending a patch from PCM70 gets it to your Preset. Using E1 for requesting a patch from PCM70 doesn’t seem to do anything (except I see E1’s ports reacting showing something’s passing).

So partial success. And if I had re-read the PCM manual for the 3.0 version firmware (haven’t located it yet, maybe you have it in digital?), maybe I could get the other direction to work as well…

Just found my printed 3.00 manual, more tomorrow!

Thanks for that feedback. What I’m going to do for now is load up either MIDIQuest or CTLR and have it “request” a patch and capture what it sends to see if/how it differs from what I am trying to send.

There’s a lot I can start to do with the basic preset by sending patch dumps to the Electra One

yeah - the ctrlr PCM 70 panel doesn’t exist on the site anymore and the MIDIQuest PCM 70 librarian is not available to play with in the free version. So, back to flying somewhat blind on the patch request string…

sorry – these last 2 msgs ended up in my spam folder.

Yes, the MIDI channel is there, but in theory the system exclusive message is supposed to be channel agnostic.

FWI, I had it set to channel 1. I hope to be posting an update with a couple more actual rows implemented.
Until I can figure out exactly what I’m supposed to be sending to the PCM 70 to request a patch, you’ll have to do the “hold Up, press Load” combo to send a patch down to the PCM 70.

Hi Martin any news about your KORG Wavestation Editor? Just started trying out some things but I got stuck with the ASCII code values for parameter changes…

The end of your message maybe should read “…to send a patch from the PCM 70 to E1…” - right?

Yes of course. Too many things rattling around in my head at the moment.

The next goal is to get all of the “Row 0” names and values (as documented at the end of the manual) displaying properly. What I am finding so far is that there are a lot of lookup tables necessary because Lexicon has their own way of doing things. (Surprise! - not)

So, the next link I post will be for a preset that hopefully reads each single dump you send to it from the PCM 70 and displays that initial set of names and values

See what happens when you send PCM 70 sysex to this version
pm 70 incremental

It still doesn’t transmit anything, but let me know how it does with the various dumps from the PCM front panel.

There seems to be a discrepancy between what is documented for some of the values in the manual vs the actual dumps.

You can spin the encoders to go through the full range of values, but nothing is being sent back tot he PCM 70 yet. You can see how the range is constrained versus the display for now

On the plus side, I sold a few things and managed to pick up a PCM 70 for a semi-decent price, so in a week or so it’ll be easier to make some progress.

Since real hardware is on its way, I likely won’t post much/any more works in progress until it’s a lot farther along.

If you want to see what I mean about changing the range of the encoders dynamically, here are a few PCM 70 dumps to play with. Load the preset linked above and then send the dump via the Electra One UI console or via MIDI_Ox/Sysex Librarian.

The reason I want to dynamically change the base range is that by creating controls with the ID number the same and the parameter number the same as the PCM 70 parameter number, I can save a lot of creating and moving dummy hidden encoders and save a lot of LUA code since once I have the control ID or the parameter number, I have all I need to address everything about that value.

Since the PCM 70 uses the same parameter number to represent different parameters depending on the Type/Algorithm and those parameters have different ranges and different units, keeping track of all that efficiently will be a nightmare without the ability to ‘re-use’ the same control for different things.

PCM (791 Bytes)


Not sure I understand what the most recent file represents.
It unzips to 3 sysex files - what are they for?