How to receive MIDI parameter changes from iPad to Electra One?


Hey there,

hope you all are fine. :slight_smile: And have some nice x-mas days…

Sending MIDI parameter changes from Electra One to iPad AUM app works fine.

But how it is possible to get changes back to Electra One controller? (Whatever I do about routings in AUM didn’t work so far for me.)

Thank you guys!

(Running latest Electra One fw and latest iOS)

Happy holidays to you too!

I am not sure if I see it correctly - it looks like that Electra’s “USB MIDI” indicator is not blinking when you are chaning the parameter on the iPad. It indicates that the MIDI data is not coming in.

It looks like your AUM is configured to receive messages from Electra and forwards them to the “Built-in control”. Can’t see it properly - there is even an arrow indicating that direction, isn’t it? Maybe the other direction needs to be configured too?

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Hey Martin,

I just found out that AUM does not sending MIDI commands back to external controllers like Electra One is if I’m not wrong. I’ll ask Jonatan, dev of AUM if he has a solution or if there is a third party app I have to use if I want to see parameter changes updates on my Electra One while I do some parameter changes on my iPad via finger slide on my own.

So, yes, it’s not the “fault” of Electra One. :slight_smile: