New ElectraOne console / Testing needed

Hi @martin,
You’re not watching ‘the game’ (Netherlands - Czech)? :smiley: 0-1 now…

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I am watching (enjoying) that indeed :slight_smile:

Wow, 0-2 beautiful goal!

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Congratulations @martin! :smiley:

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Yes, cz team is really good this year. Thx!

cool, thanks a lot for the modprobe hint on Linux!
a rather old post but that helped me immediately solve the problem that i could transfer a single patch after a fresh electra start, but all consequent attempts did result in failure and checking dmesg output i found these errors:

ALSA: seq_midi: MIDI output buffer overrun

so i knew somehow i would need to set the output buffer parameter, but not to which value… which I then found here :wink:

Adding the error message with this comment so people/search engines will find it…

What distro are you using? I have not seen that error yet.

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It’s an Ubuntu 23.04 on an Lenovo ThinkCentre.

I haven’t seen that error before, with other controllers and synths, either. It took me a while until i thought of checking dmesg…

well, controllers do not usually transfer large sysex messages as E1 does. ALSA has a problem with processing large sysex on on time. Hence, it is easy to exhaust the buffer. That is the reason why the buffer needs to be increased. I usually set it so that even the largest presets can fit in it (currently around 350k).

What I meant is that I have not seen that message when the buffer is increased and you actually transfer the first preset. I will play around with ubuntu a bit…

I’m not sure if I understand this last sentence correctly.

It sounds like maybe you misunderstood me that I still have this issue after increasing the midi buffer.

But what I tried to say is that I got the error before increasing the buffer, and it went away after i increased the buffer… just to be sure :wink:

If you need any help in further investigations or trials, just let me know. I have a few more other Linux machines and Raspberry pies…

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oh, I see :slight_smile: all good then.

Check the following thread - if you have not read it already - Ubuntu/Chrome connection problem - #10 by martin. There is a neat way to edit the/etc/modprobe.d to have it all done at the boot time.

Thanks - i had that already.

But with options I only set the options, one needs also a line in /etc/modules or in a file inside /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf that also does the module loading :wink: