Slow-down with Cubase

Hello all,
I use cubase 10 on win10 with mainly 3 vst plugins. For that I created 3 generic peripherals for my 3 vst. It works, the messages are bi-directional with feedback and updating of midi informations, in real time, in the electra.
However, I have a big problem. In each of my three generic devices, I have roughly between 50 and 80 parameters to manage the plugins. When I navigate from track to track in the cubase project window, it generates midi sends (so 50 to 80 simultaneous midi messages) on the electra at each track overlap and strong slowdowns (one to two seconds). Ditto for the navigation of presets by program change it is long and inconvenient in use. Would the only solution be to reduce the number of parameters to be sent to the electra? Very restrictive.
Cubase or other daw users, have you encountered this problem ?

hi @pat1,

I will take a look at that. 50 to 80 messages should be processed fairly quickly, response time over 1 sec sounds strange.

Would you send me the URL of the preset on the PM?
