I had the same issue when using the Foot sign 16´, 8´ etc in the Range parameter so I removed it and it loaded again. So it seems that some Signs don´t work as List entries.
OK it works again. Patch request is going strong: 4 pages have been finished now on the preset.
Thanks for the effort!! Even using the MIDI learn function building a preste fron scratch takes its time especially if you need to handel so many parameters like with the blofeld (That´s why I left out some things I use always in the same manner and therefore they are part of my INIT Preset on blofeld itself…) But doing al parsing respond stuff one by one is a hercules task!!!
the preset is now useable, apart from 2 controls for which @martin needs to first find I way for me to retrieve (and de-assign) to what parameter number I assigned them to, because I can’t find that out anymore. Also the effects section is not yet done.
Some attention points:
- All white controls have to do with volume in some way
- OSC A : I retained Lobo’s idea with a mute button. Unmuting brings volume to 100, not to 127.
- OSC B : also added the common pitch controls here as they belong to the osc section
- Filter section: double clicking on keytrack puts the default on 100%, thus no need for an additional button anymore.
- Envelopes section: I used the regular ADSR and the DX7 envelope symbols to ensure you get a visual representation of an ADSR and an ALDSDSR simultaneously. Took some tweaking to sync the corresponding values between the two envelope versions, since the DX7 rate control work the opposite way as a regular ADSR time control.
- LFO section : all 6 controls per LFO are available now. The 4 controls in the top right are hidden, they were necessary for the envelope sync between ADSR and DX7 representation.
I have a challenge in this preset : One can choose on the Blofeld to use ADSR or ALDSDSR envelopes. The latter are very similar to DX7 envelopes, except they ‘think’ in time like the ADSR rather than in rates like the DX7. Consequence : I needed to change its value X into 127-X. The challenges are to be found in control F DECAY 2, A DECAY 2 etc: The Blofeld transmits the Time value with CC 98, which I capture as CC in a hidden control on page 5, then use a function ‘changeTime’ on that control to trigger a parameter map change for control 4098 with value = ‘127-value’.
However the function changeTime is not called when the CC is changed from the synth instead of the E1.
The generic question thus is: how do I call a control function, if the control is triggered from outside the Electra, f.i. via a patch request?
@Lobo, all of your controls are now reviewed and read via patch request in V2.3. I added some fancy stuff to the effects section: when you choose an effect, the controls adapt accordingly. Unfortunately not yet when set via patch parsing. Need to find a way …
@Martin, the fact the parsing accepts 2 controls to have the same mapping in the sysex when set totthe same parameter number was very handy for this preset, since I needed to use different control types for the same sysEx byte, depending on the chosen effect.
I will still be adding some more features though: an ARP section and a performance section.
Good news @NewIngis I hope the weekend will give me some time to go on with the programming for blofeld. I´m also busy with the DX-7 II…
That DX-7 stuff will be of interest. I have a TG77, which is incredibly difficult from a SysEx perspective. It is not only very very long, the definition and destination of the data is different if the partial is AFM or AWM. So I’ll leave that one aside.
I expect the ARP and performance section to be ready by Friday evening. I’ll let you know.
I took the TX-7 Preset as starting point and changed or added the paramaters that are different on the DX-7 II . The DX has different numbers for the parameter groups and I didn´t got to work the MIDI learn function, so I had to write a lot manually (And shure, no patch request ) I also added the performance parameters and a basic function to copy the ENV parameters to other operators. As I´m not into LUA, at the moment the copy function is done just by remote control of the hardwarebuttons on the DX surface which is a bit tricky to operate if youre not familiar with the way it works on the DX (holding one button while pressing the other etc.) Here it would be great to add some logic functions with the buttons in electra to release a toggle button (copy) if the momentary select button of any operator is released as well…
@NewIgnis I like the double click solution for Keytrack = 100%. Its much better than having an additional button. But how did you manage it that a field in the grid woks like a Fader and a Pad by double clicking it at the same time??
The double click brings you to the default value of the control. So all I needed was to set the default value corresponding with 100% which is 98.
Didn´t know that. Good hint!!
@NewIgnis I played around a bit with the preset and found out that the Voice allocation parameter has values 32/32. This causes the unisono jump to 3 every time you change to MONO and if you switch back to POLY it stays at 3. Putting the values of VOICE ALLOCATION to 0/1 it works fine. Mabe this is a copy - paste error from my first version…
The program change on your Performance page in my setup doesn´t work. And also what you mentioned for the FX that you´ve changed visibility according to the selected effect. Here I see no changes if I change the FX type.
Thanks , I corrected the error.
Do check the log when you load the preset. It gives a warning ‘not enough memory’. Don’t know why, but as a result part of the functions (like hiding controls and the program change) don’t work. I’ve posted a bug note to @martin to know how to fix this.
The rest should work though.
Amazing job NewIgnis, congrats and thanks. Haven’t tried all settings yet as they are many but so far all cool and the adaptation of effects display is next level. I didn’t know the E1 could behave like that, although I have no idea how you achieved that. Will get back to you if I find any bug…
Glad you enjoy it. Be aware though some functions won’t work yet. I ate up all memory. So still needs some rework.
Thanks. If at some point you do succeed in solving these issues please announce it here !
Hi, new version V2.6 of my Blofeld preset is out. The memory issues are resolved. It took a while, because I’m on a learning curve as well. The patch select is working, and you get the patch parsed as well. The modulation matrix and the effects section will hide the non used parameters.
Be aware the default channel has changed. You might need to change it.
I will leave the Blofeld preset as it is now (V3); there will be no further development from my side. Any attempt to add better visuals or more functions made me cross the memory frontier and Iv’e done all optimisations I could think off with my current knowledge on the E1. So no name parsing unfortunately, and the performance page had to be simplified, but all in all, you get a pretty good idea what is going on inside a Blofeld patch.
What a bloody beautiful machine the Blofeld is
If there are issues with the preset, you know where to find me
Thanks for this excellent preset! Anyone have tips on getting the patch request functionality to work with the blofeld desktop (which has no MIDI DIN output, only MID DIN input and usb midi in/out). I’m able to get bidirectional feedback with a combination of Electra MIDI DIN Out → Blofeld MIDI DIN In and Blofeld USB → Electra USB Host. However, the patch request controls aren’t producing any results.