The latest beta of the Midi controller firmware is available for download at Firmware downloads - scroll to Beta releases.
The two main highlights are:
extended and adjusted Lua implementation. API is more object oriented now. Devices, pages, groups were added.
numerous bug fixes
I found a few issues that could lead to system freezes. Most of them related situations when Electra was under continuous stream of MIDI messages. This latest release seems to be rather stable in my environment but I would like to ask anybody who had problems or is willing to spend a moment on testing to report any freezes or weird behaviour. I do feel that we are getting very close to making this regular release soon.
There are 3 known issues:
failed transfers due to large amounts of data. The packetized data transfers are already compiled in, but not documented and I am not overly happy with it in general (slow). More work will be done here.
Lua context is not cleared properly when switching presets. ie. memory can be leaking and some objects stay in memory. Just did not have time to implement proper reset of the state.
random artefacts on the display. Caused with collision of hardware interrupt priorities. I am busy with this one.
Editor on supports includes a simple Editor for Lua scripts and the controls have fields to enter the Lua callback and formatting functions.
I do feel that the beta is getting very stable and I would love to get it out it as a regular release soon. There are bits to be done on the Lua implementation, but besides that, is anybody experiencing any problems? If you do, please let me known. Sharing it now will reduce frustrations later Thx!
I’ve silently followed the 3 latest beta releases. Overall it seems to work flawless, but I still seem to have regular freezes (like I mentioned before) with my Access Virus TI preset. There is no specific pattern to it, except a lot of MIDI (back and forth) is going on. I have delayed the consecutive larger SysEx sent to E1 by 300 ms, but to no good effect, until today! I still see some soft freezes sometimes (those will freeze the console for 5 seconds), but hard freezes (those that need a power off/on cycle) seem to have gone (I hope). Great!
I did see a soft freeze while the drawing of certain controls was still unfinished (the number inside a fader had a black block next to it, after 5 seconds it did becomer correct again). Maybe it helps if I am that detailed?
@richard. More ram is eaten by the Lua interpreter. I was considering initiating it only when Lua script is present. Did not do that because it all fits in even with the most complex presets we have.
Did you get a freeze on the red line warning? What preset was that? I will try to replicate it here.
yes i got a freeze with the red line at the bottom with “error transferring the preset” or something similar, first time i saw this. It was with the Monologue preset. Strangely it was there but empty after the update. The freeze happened when trying to send it again from Chrome to E1. Thanx
@joris.roling I improved the way how the incoming data is translated to display actions. It is more efficient now. That is good for everybody but I was wonderinng if it helped or affected your “soft freeze” issue.
@pat1 you reported an issue with slower upadates from Cubase in the past too. If you could give a try to the this latest beta to check if it helped it would be great. If you needed assistance, just let me know. Slow-down with Cubase
@SmartBits if you can check your P2000 again. I am not sure if the latest change will help, but I am still kind of finishing around with that.
Whoever feels like spending an afternoon on testing, it will be a great help Thx!
Just tested it. Booting the P2K for a second time froze the E1. So it’s not a solution for that yet.
I had the console open, but same as before; no log and the console still says it’s connected. But nothing on the device itself works. The only thing I can do is power cycle the E1.
I can definitely say that it seems all (soft & hard) freezes are gone. I even removed all delaying of large SysEx in my router code, and everything works like a charm: very smooth!
@joris.roling thanks for spotting this, and sorry for belated response, I was travelling for last few days.
hmm, I was pumping 2000bpm stream of complex MIDI data from Deluge to Electra when I was testing it and did not get the freeze. Do you think you would be able to record the MIDI data that causes it? Does that happen on USB Host port, MIDI IO, USB dev, or all of them?
I noticed a similar issue as Joris when connected via my heavily overloaded usb hub. When I connected via a different hub with plenty of power to spare, it works fine whatever I throw at it. Running 2.0b4 and it’s rock solid.